Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Update: Home & Hetalia Fanfiction?


I'm home now after an awesome trip to a cabin on an island here in Sweden with the gaming group and friends. It was so awesome I can't describe it how fun it was! Now I'm all relaxed and feeling good. Yeah!

I know I said in the previous post that I was going to update with the second chapter to my original story "The Incubus Chapters", and I'm almost finished with it. But at the moment I'm stuck in the story and I have almost pulled my own hair out while thinking about this little problem. LOL! In the end I decided to give it a rest and let it solve itself with time and instead start thinking about new stories.

I came up with the 10th story to Gakupo and Yūma, and I have also come up with several original short stories. But the story that I'm really interested to work with now is a Hetalia fanfiction about the Winter War between Finland and Soviet Russia during 1939 to 1940. I'm from Finland originally and I'm very proud about that (even though Finland is a very weird country at times), and so I thought why not write about something from my country's history that every finnish person is proud of; the Winter War where Finland fought very bravely against Soviet Russia to keep its independency.

I know this has been probably written so many time already, but I really feel like I want to do my own version. The versions I have found is not by my taste. (Sorry, fellow writers!) At the moment I'm not sure if I will publish it here. I have no idea if it'll even be a BL-story. But with Sweden in the background everything can happen. xD (I think Sweden and Finland is a natural couple.) So now I'm researching about the war like crazy to make it as historically correct as possible - and making papercrafts with the characters while I'm outlining the storyline. xD

I'm also working on a new personal blog in English this time, so I've been very busy with the artwork to that too, and I'll probably be busy for days until it's finished.

Omg I so love papercraft dolls! Finland and Sealand are my absolute favorite characters from the series. And no, it's not because I am from Finland. I actually fell in love with Tino Väinämöinen before I knew he WAS Finland in the web-series Hetalia Axis Powers.  (^_~)  Him and Sealand are my type of characters. *pinches their cheeks*

2 kommentarer:

Anonymous said...

I love Hetalia, it's hard to find good stories (I think you could do one though)

Tan said...

Thank you. I'll do my best!
(And I love Hetalia too. xD)