Thursday, May 31, 2012

Update: Another Vocaloid fanfic on the way!

Hello there!

I have found a lot of sweet comments on my fanfics of Gakupo and Yuma on different sites, and because of these nice comments I have gotten inspiration to write another fanfic about these two.

Would you like that?

I lost interest in these two for a while because I worked so intensly with the previous fanfics on this story blog that I used up all my inspiration with this love couple. But now I feel that I want to give it another try and write a new one.

I have two ideas to write about, but I don't know if I'll do them both. The one I'll start writing on today is about Yuma getting a virus in his system. I promise it'll be funny and also a little thrilling at the same time.  (^_~)

1 kommentarer:

Anonymous said...

Oh yes please! *________*